Wainhouse Research Senior Analyst Alan D. Greenberg recently interviewed educational technologists in higher education about the digital transformation for his April report, “Higher Education at the Crossroads: Leveraging Educational Platforms for Institutional Transformation.”
They told him that aside from security, a technology’s ability to integrate with a learning management system is of utmost concern.
“With the LMS as the central repository of course activity, this group understands the need for real-time and on-demand platforms to share data – which in practical terms translates to scheduling online course activities directly from the LMS,” Greenberg wrote.
Similarly, a May 17 article in Inside Higher Ed, “The Learning Management Landscape,” cites new research from e-Literate:
“Users are increasingly demanding learning platforms that play well with other technologies and integrate data from various sources,” wrote Doug Lederman.
It’s proven that videos – like those created with Mediasite — embedded in your LMS enhance student learning and improve retention. By synchronizing instructor videos with course slides, demos and other content, students never miss a detail. From recorded lectures and flipped learning modules to campus video and assignment clips, seamless integration with an LMS gives students instant access to content while providing management, advanced security, video search and analytics for all video.
During the past few days, Mediasite’s integrations with learning management systems like Blackboard, Canvas and Brightspace have been on display at leading LMS shows across the country, including BbWorld 2017, InstructureCon 2017 and D2L Fusion.
The post How Video Extends the Power of the LMS appeared first on Sonic Foundry.